Sunday, June 25, 2023, 5:30 AM - Friday, June 30, 2023, 8:30 PM
New Frontiers:
Completed 6th - Completed 9th
Week Theme: “WHO ARE YOU FOLLOWING” based on the times when Jesus asked His disciples to “Follow me.”
A high energy week of camp classic fun! Canoe around the lake, hit the mark in archery, or fly high on the blob.
Challenge yourself on the climbing wall or zipline and build confidence. End the day hanging around the campfire
making s’mores! A week of variety and nonstop fun!
Teen Service Team (TST):
Completed 9th – Outgoing 12th
Week Theme: “CONNECTION” based on John 15
High school students dive into fun activities like soaring off the blob, paddleboarding, and climbing the climbing
wall. Students will connect with mentors and peers, and dive deep into a walk with Christ. TST students also get to
serve on a service team in different roles each day!
(optional) Completed 9th may choose either New Frontiers or TST
Cost $225
To reserve a spot on the trip, present the signed permission slip and a $50 (non-refundable) deposit.
Sign up now!
Praise and worship led by The Joe Guerra Band